Interviews and articles on the topic of plant-based diets

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Find an overview of articles I wrote myself or interviews I gave on my research (BBC Future, Perspective Daily, Bustle and many others).

Jul 2020: Interview with Mirko Smiljanic (Deutschlandfunk, DLF) together with Laura Einhorn (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies) on meat consumption and social status: Wie Fleischkonsum und sozialer Status zusammenhängen, Deutschlandfunk (in German only).

Jan 2020: Dr Jennifer Thorp asked me on brain health related to vegan diets for her article in Bustle - read the full article here: Does Going Vegan Affect Your Brain?, Bustle .

Jan 2020: Jessica Brown (an independent writer for the BBC) interviewed me on my research. Alongside with other nutrition epidemiologists from the University of Oxford, she investigated the evidence on health benefits around plant-based diets. Find the entire interview here: Are there health benefits to going vegan, BBC Future .

Aug 2019: Chris Vielhaus (journalist at Perspective Daily, a constructive journalism online magazine) interviewed me on the gut-brain-axis and wants to ask “How can we boost our gut health?” So bekommt dein Darm noch mehr Charme, Perspective Daily .

Jun 2019: For the Charité NeuroScience Newsletter I portrayed the misconceptions and beliefs around miracle foods or superfoods. Read the article here: Why we believe in miracle foods? Evelyn Medawar, Charité NeuroScience Newsletter (CNS) (12/2) (2019) .

A.-K. Wöhlbier (student in journalism) interviewed my colleagues Ronja Thieleking and me on our study and on the gut-brain-axis. The interview was printed in the local newspaper Leipziger Volkszeitung: Drei Fragen an… (2019) .

Evelyn Medawar

My research interests include the neuroscience and psychology of decision-making and behavioural change, gut-brain communication and plant-based diets.