Overcoming challenges to adopt a more sustainable life- and workstyle
Find an overview of articles I or I contributed to on the topics of building a sustainability network within the Max Planck Gesellschaft, reflecting upon sustainability in research and many others.
Interview with the OpenD magazine: More Sustainability for Science (original title: Mehr Nachhaltigkeit für die Wissenschaft) - German only. /link/
Voluntary Commitment: Climate-Friendly Business Trips – An Overnight Miracle. Julian D. Rolfes, Evelyn Medawar, Jakob Schweizer, Offspring Blog PhDnet. /link/
Sustainability within the Max Planck Society - It matters for everyone! Swati Subramanian, Maria Eichel, Offspring Blog PhDnet. /link/
Your shopping list is a ballot paper and your lunch is your immediate opportunity for action. Evelyn Medawar, Offspring Blog PhDnet. /link/
Making science sustainable. Frank Bonafé, . /link